A short while after his arrival
in Madinah, the Holy Prophet
instructed his followers to build a mosque so
that the Prayer Services can be held in it. Although
Five Daily Prayers
had been established and the part of the day they were required to be offered were known, yet the worshippers were unaware of the
exact time of their commencement. They
used to come to the mosque for each Prayer according to their
own estimate of the time of the Service. This was not a satisfactory arrangement and it was felt that a suitable
means should be adopted
for calling Muslims to the Prayers.
A consultation meeting was held
and various suggestions were made.
As the Jews use a horn and the Christians use bells for the purpose
of calling worshippers to Prayer, some Companions gave
their opinion that one of these means should
be adopted. Hazrat
Umar R.A, however suggested
that someone should be appointed to announce that the Prayer was about to begin. The
Holy Prophet approved
of this suggestion and directed Bilal, a freed slave
who had accepted Islam, to carry out this duty.
One day a Companion of the Holy Prophet Hazrat
Abdullah bin Zaid Ansaari came to the Holy Prophet and told him that the words of Adhan, the Call to Prayer,
were taught to him in a dream. The Holy
Prophet told him to teach those words to Bilal. Hazrat Bilal learnt those phrases, stood up and
with a loud voice recited
the Adhan for the first time. Hazrat
Umar listened to these
words and hastened to the Holy Prophet and told him that
he, too, had heard the same words in a dream. The Holy
Prophet was convinced that this was a Divine scheme and thus the Call to Prayer was established in Islam.